I was thinking in the back of my mind that I would open up my post on Election Day as “It’s 1972 Again!” but it appears as though unlike that election, where the Prime Minister’s father, Pierre Trudeau, eked his way back to power with a 2 seat lead over the Progressive Conservatives, that the margin today will be more discernible.

This isn’t to say that this is a an absolute certainty – the popular vote between the two leading parties is practically tied, and an estimated 62 ridings are projected to have winning margins of less than 2,000 votes (or approximately 3-5%). The Conservatives are weighed down by a less efficient vote, as the above map will testify to – very dark blue regions in the rural west, and lighter shades of red in the urban Ontario and Montreal regions.

While any of these 62 ridings could be seen as pivotal, the winning piece that would crown either Conservative leader Andrew Scheer or Trudeau as seat count leader is likely Peel Region in Ontario. This politically bell weather region has 11 seats between Brampton and Mississauga that historically have voted, and swung, in a fairly uniform manner. While former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper was able to form two minority governments without next to no seats in Peel, he was aided in leading the seat count with three factors that are not likely to be in Scheer’s favour this year – a stronger showing than is projected for Scheer outside of the Greater Toronto Area in southern Ontario; Peel having less seats in the mid-2000s and a significantly stronger showing for the Liberals in Quebec this year (compared to the mid-2000s). In 2011, when Harper on his fourth try won a majority government, the fact that Peel turned uniformly blue made a decisive difference.

So, in going from coast to coast and providing a detailed breakdown of both national, provincial and riding level results, here is what I believe may happen.

Atlantic: The Liberals remain strongly ahead, although repeating their unprecedented 2015 sweep is clearly not in the cards. Their popular support levels will be much less stratospheric around the high 30s and low 40s, but they will take the lion’s share of seats. The Conservatives are expected to do well in the rural, more Anglophone areas of New Brunswick and should also pick up several seats in rural Nova Scotia. At one point I thought they might win Egmont in Prince Edward Island but currently their level of support is too low. The New Democrats have revived some of their standing in the Atlantic and are projected to take St. John’s East with longtime NDP stalwart Jack Reed. The Greens will have their second strongest showing here after British Columbia, but will not capture any seats.

Quebec: The Bloc was considered by many to be moribund, especially after the tumultuous leadership of Martine Ouellette where 7 out of 10 caucus members left to protest her leadership. Yves-Francois Blanchet has restored the party’s fortunes, and is likely to move the party past the 12 for official party status in the House of Commons to perhaps 3 times that number. Oddly enough, voter efficiency within Quebec could now hurt, rather than help the Liberals – with 3 and 4 party vote splits throughout the province the Liberals had the potential to make gains (albeit with smaller shares of the vote) – now their support has retreated largely to Montreal and the Outaouais regions where their vote is more concentrated. One of the story lines of the evening will be in the NDP, long thought to be going extinct in Quebec, will retain their toehold. I am projecting 3 winners, les trois amis as they might come to be called – Guy Caron in Rimouski; Ruth Ellen Brosseau in Berthier Maskinonge and Alexandre Boulerice in Rosemont (Montreal). The Conservatives, after months of placing a distant second in public opinion polls, might end up in fourth place after a difficult French language debate for Mr. Scheer, especially on the question of social issues. Maxime Bernier is projected to keep Beauce, narrowly, as leader of the People’s Party of Canada.

Ontario – This is where the Liberals will make it or break it, and the Liberals are showing a consistent lead of anywhere between 5 to 8 points, more than enough to keep large areas of the GTA red, and for a number of seats elsewhere (southern urban, northern). The southern part of the Golden Horseshoe will have several closely fought races – Burlington, Hamilton East Stoney Creek, St. Catherine’s and Niagara Centre – with 3 out of those 4 projected to go red. Windsor West MP Brian Masse will be aided by an NDP resurgence to beat back a strong challenge by former Liberal provincial cabinet minister Sandra Pupatello. The NDP might also expect to gain ridings such as Nickle Belt, Davenport, Parkdale High Park and Toronto Danforth. Oshawa and Sarnia will be closely fought with the Conservatives, but where both current Conservative MPs will be returned to Ottawa. Simcoe North was expected to be closely fought, with Trudeau even campaigning in Orillia, although I am showing Bruce Stanton, the Conservative MP, winning by at least 5 points. The York and Durham Regions will likely have a patchwork of blues and reds and many closely fought races, as noted earlier Peel will be uniformly red.

Prairies: The NDP are expected to do better than initially expected, winning 3 seats in Manitoba and 2 in Saskatchewan. Two of the Manitoba seats – Elmwood Transcona and Winnipeg Centre, will be extremely close fought, but where the NDP are expected to carve out wins. Saskatchewan MP Andrew Scheer’s coat tails will likely not be long enough to prevent the NDP from retaining Saskatoon West and Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River.

Alberta: If Quebec and Peel are where Trudeau wins the election, Alberta is where Scheer loses it, ironically by doing very well here. The only one of the 34 seats not projected to go blue is for the NDP in Edmonton Strathcona. Almost 2 dozen seats are expected to give the Conservatives at least 50% of their riding’s vote; 9 ridings are expected to give over 70% of their vote to the Conservative candidate. The downside is that if the popular vote is tied nationally, a lot of that vote for Scheer is racking up high margins out west, rather than flipping Peel Region in Ontario.

British Columbia: The two names that will be heard with these results are Elizabeth May and Jody Wilson-Raybould. The former, as Green Party leader, had been initally expected to do well, especially as her provincial counterparts made headway in the Maritimes and the NDP languished nationally. Now that the NDP has revived, the Green support has leveled off, and even declined, with the Greens likely to win only Ms. May’s seat of Saanich-Gulf Islands. The Greens were initially favoured in Victoria and Nanaimo-Ladysmith (represented by the other elected Green, Paul Manly), however while many of the BC ridings remain genuine four way races, and the Greens do best in British Columbia, the NDP resurgence has limited their seats to exactly what they had in 2015, namely, one. The other name of Jody Wilson-Raybould, the former Liberal Minister of Justice and Attorney General who ran into conflict with Prime Minister Trudeau over SNC-Lavalin, will be connected with her win in Vancouver Granville, facing long odds of reelection as an independent MP. If the result was much closer nationally, I had almost anticipated a news commentator noting the irony of Justin Trudeau now asking her (if re-elected) if she could help him retain power.


And so concludes my final election analysis, detailed tables below. In one respect this might be like 1972, and a number of other federal elections, in that a minority Liberal government turns to their NDP counterparts to help them retain power in moving ahead. Such coalition governments have never lasted more than 2 years, so if some or all of my above forecast is correct, I will conclude by forecasting another election to be held no later than the summer of 2021.

Liberals 30.88% and 141 Seats

Conservatives 31.60% and 123 Seats

NDP 18.46% and 38 Seats

Bloc Quebecois 6.96% and 33 Seats

Green 9.04 % and 1 Seat

People’s Party 2.34% and 1 Seat

plus Jody Wilson-Raybould, Independent M.P., Vancouver Granville