PEI Election – King’s PCs on track for near- not total-sweep, race is for second

The first observation I need to make about PEI politics and projections on the riding level, which can also be true of results in Yukon, Newfoundland and other localities where the electorate is around 10,000 or less a district, is that there is absolutely no way I can presume to know all the local dynamics on the ground, where personal contact, name recognition amongst neighbours and perception in the local communities will often factor as prominently, if not more so, than party labels.  To be sure, those dynamics can be in play in contests with a larger electorate, but the sheer limitations of personal contact with candidates having to convince tens of thousands, (as opposed to hundreds or thousands) for their vote makes this logically a more limited factor than issues, leaders and party affiliation.

That said, PEI polling (very limited this election season), political history (both with respect to parties and ridings) and contestants make a number of trend lines and likely scenarios quite clear.

The first dynamic is that the incumbent PC government is sitting on a consistent polling lead of 20+ percentage points, and has been for the past 3 years.  While this is the same government that presided over pandemic measures and is experiencing ongoing challenges with health care, the Premier’s popularity is high, the PEI economy has expanded post-pandemic and the population growth rate is one of the highest, if not the highest, in the country.  The current polling placing the incumbent government’s support at half the electorate portends a near sweep of the ridings, especially as the opposition is unusually divided between the Official Opposition Greens, the Liberals and the NDP.  At somewhat higher levels of support, incumbent governments have nearly swept the province in the 1989, 1993, 2000 elections (2 Liberal and 1 PC, respectively), although only in 1935 did a party win a complete sweep (in this particular case, the challenging Liberals to the incumbent Conservative government in the midst of the Great Depression). 

The election could theoretically replicate the 1935 complete sweep, (especially with Green and Liberal support running basically neck and neck for second place), but it is unlikely to materialize, with some parts of the province having sufficiently concentrated pockets of support for the opposition parties.

Of the 27 seats, I project the PCs will win at least 22, a gain of 9 from the last election (and a gain of 7 overall from current standings after 2 by-election pickups).  The 5 remaining seats that the opposition may win would be divided between Greens, Liberals and the NDP, with the Liberals the slight favourites to reclaim Official Opposition status.

First, 2 notable PC wins – Charlottetown – Brighton – projecting that former PC leader Rob Lantz picks this up for the PCs.  Formerly held by Ole Hammarlund for the Greens, the incumbent lost re-nomination.  In addition, the NDP Leader, Michelle Neill, who was widely seen as having performed well in the leadership debate, is running here and will likely split the non-PC vote that much further as opposed to flipping this seat orange.  Lantz previously ran in this riding and lost by 24 votes (less than 1%) during the 2015 election when he led the party.  His brother Jeff Lantz had previously represented the riding during the Pat Binns government some 20 years prior. 

Cornwall Meadowbank – this was the lone Liberal holdout in the 2000 PC Binn’s near-sweep. The last time it had PC representation was in 1986 as 2nd Queen’s. The prior Liberal incumbent, Health McDonald, resigned after running (and ultimately being elected) for federal Malpeque riding.  In late 2021, PC Mark McLane edged out the Liberal to pick this riding up for the PCs, breaking a 35 year losing streak.  Former but given the lack of incumbency advantage, I am projecting this is likely to stay (however narrowly) in the PC column, although this will certainly be a race to watch.  (The Liberals had this advantage in retaining the riding in 2000.)

In western PEI, the only franco-majority riding, Evagenline – Miscouche is open after Liberal incumbent Sonny Gallant is not running again.  While the PCs have occasionally held the riding, the decline of Green support and the historically high level of Liberal support (routinely surpassing 60-70% in prior elections) make this one of the more likely holds for the Liberals, represented by local councilor and hockey coach Pat McLellan.

One riding further west, along Egmont Bay, O’Leary – Inverness is shaping up to be a tight 3 way race between the PCs, Liberals and New Democrats.  Liberal incumbent Robert Henderson served as a prominent cabinet minister in both the prior Liberal Robert Ghiz and Wade MacLauchlan governments and has generally polled well in his re-elections, especially considering the occasional strong NDP challenge.  That NDP challenge comes from Dr. Herb Dickieson, to date the only NDP MLA elected in PEI, back in 1996.  While he has not broken 40% in any race thus far, he is generally seen as popular and has polled at least a third of the vote both in his unsuccessful attempt at re-election in 2000 as well as another unsuccessful challenge against Henderson in 2019. PC beef and dairy farmer Daniel MacDonald might be buoyed by favourable PC polling numbers and a potential Liberal/NDP split to flip this riding blue.  Then again, a declining Green vote may consolidate behind either the Liberals, NDP (or perhaps even the PCs) to push one of them over the line by a more comfortable margin.

Finally, at the very western end of PEI pointing towards Ile Anticosti 100 plus miles north in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Tignish – Palmer Road,  Liberal Hal Perry is running for re-election.  Both a former PC, and then Liberal cabinet minister, he polled strong in the 2019 election and stands to benefit from the lack of a Green candidate on the ballot. 

The Liberal leader Sharon Cameron’s election bid is notable for both her promise to serve concurrently as Health Minister (if elected Premier) and presently to contest Green Leader Dr. Peter Bevan-Barker in New Haven – Rocky Point, not far from Charlottetown.  I am currently projecting Cameron to poll maybe a fifth of the vote in the riding, given Dr. Bevan-Baker’s relative strong stature in the riding, combined with his 2 term incumbency and the ascendant PCs likely pulling at least some support from Bevan-Barker.  While a successful Cameron candidacy in the riding would likely cement the Liberals as once again being the clear opposition to the governing PCs, more likely than not she will fail to carry the riding and the Liberal caucus will select another interim leader in the legislature. 

The Green’s two best prospects are in New Haven – Rocky Point, and less likely, but still possible, in Charlottetown – Victoria Park, where incumbent Karla Bernard polled very strongly in the previous election against both a Liberal cabinet minister, Richard Brown and then-NDP leader Joe Byrne.  While PC Tim Keizer is running again for the party this time, he will have to gain a large swing to make up for his 21% showing in 2019.  The Liberals may or may not replicate Mr. Brown’s 28%, while Byrne might retain a comparable tenth of the vote as last time, albeit no longer as the party leader.  For these reasons, if the Greens do return any incumbents apart from Bevan-Barker, it will most likely be in Charlottetown – Victoria Park.

The ridings that the Green’s will likely lose include Charlottetown – Belvedere, where incumbent Hannah Bell is not running for re-election.  This was one riding they picked up with Ms. Bell in a 2017 by-election that arguably increased their overall electability in the election 2 years later.  This time, Ms. Bell was quoted as saying that with Premier King’s early election call, that the Greens simply weren’t ready. 

This is not to say that the other Green ridings couldn’t stay Green after Monday, it is just simply that given the decline in Green support and increase in PC support relative to 2019, it would not take a significant swing in any of the other ridings they hold, (with the possible exception of Summerside – South Drive) to see PC gains.  This includes incumbents Michele Beaton in Mermaid – Stratford (near Charlottetown – PCs need 4% Green to PC swing) and then the Summerside-area ridings of Tyne Valley – Sherbrooke (incumbent Trish Atlass, PCs need just over a 1% swing); Summerside – Wilmot (incumbent and Deputy Leader Lynne Lund, PCs need a 3-4% swing) and Summerside -South Drive (incumbent Steve Howard – in this case the incumbent Liberal cabinet minister he defeated had a strong showing, which complicates the necessary swing calculation for the PCs, if the Liberal vote remains steady it would be around an 11% point swing).

Rounding out the list is the NDP prospects – as previously mentioned their likely strongest shot is O’Leary – Inverness with Dr. Dickieson, they will likely perform strongly in Charlottetown with current leader Neill in Charlottetown – Brighton and former leader Byrne in Charlottetown – Victoria Park.  One other notable riding, for at least a strong showing, though likely no gain, is the Stanhope – Marshfield riding just north of Charlottetown where Marian White, NDP candidate, is the only candidate other than PC incumbent Bloyce Thompson, who is likely to retain two thirds of the vote.

In the end, the Liberals with strength in western PEI, are likely to regain official opposition with two seats, Evangeline – Miscouche and Tignish – Palmer Road.  Either they or the NDP win O’Leary-Inverness, (I’ll give the Liberals the slight edge there), and Dr. Bevan-Baker keeps the Greens on the board with New Haven – Rocky Point. 

Nationally, this will likely not have significant implications … the federal leaders have not had a significant presence in the campaign, the Greens mirror their downward shift as seen nationally, the federal Conservatives may see limited upside as the PEI PCs are seen as leaning more on the Progressive than Conservative side of their name  (King was reportedly explicit around the last federal election campaign in distinguishing the PEI PCs as separate from the federal Conservatives). Finally, the Atlantic provinces overall have not resoundingly rejected the Liberals, who remain viable in New Brunswick and Newfoundland polling.  Even in losing today, the Liberals might still regain their traditional position as one of the two main contending PEI parties.

TN House, Dems down 3, GOP up 2 and Windle wins as an Independent

1 R Incumbent John Crawford, R Unopposed R Hold
2 R Incumbent Bud Hulsey, R Unopposed R Hold
3 R Incumbent Scotty Campbell, R Unopposed R Hold
4 R Incumbent John Holsclaw, Jr., R Unopposed R Hold
5 R Incumbent David Hawk, R Unopposed R Hold
6 R Incumbent Tim Hicks, R 82% Joel Goodman, IND 18% R Hold
7 R Incumbent Rebecca Alexander, R Unopposed R Hold
8 R Incumbent Jerome Moon, R 78% Dylan D. Kelley, D 22% R Hold
9 R Incumbent Gary Hicks, R Unopposed R Hold
10 R Incumbent Rick Eldridge, R Unopposed R Hold
11 R Incumbent Jeremy Faison, R Unopposed R Hold
12 R Incumbent Dale Carr, R 91% Larry Linton, IND 9% R Hold
13 R Open Robert Stevens, R 57% Jeffrey Young Crum, D 43% R Hold
14 R Incumbent Jason Zachary, R 63% Amanda Collins, D 37% R Hold
15 D Incumbent Sam McKenzie, D 67% Pete Crew, R 33% D Hold
16 R Incumbent Michele Carringer, R Unopposed R Hold
17 R Incumbent Andrew Farmer, R Unopposed R Hold
18 R Open Elaine Davis, R 54% Gregory D. Kaplan, D 46% R Hold
19 R Incumbent Dave Wright, R 76% Zeke Streetman, D 21% Other 3% R Hold
20 R Incumbent Bob Ramsey, R Unopposed R Hold
21 R Incumbent Lowell Russell, R Unopposed R Hold
22 R Incumbent Dan Howell, R Unopposed R Hold
23 R Incumbent Mark Cochran, R Unopposed R Hold
24 R Open Kevin Raper, R Unopposed R Hold
25 R Incumbent Cameron Sexton, R 79% Anne Ferrell Quillen, D 21% R Hold
26 R Open Greg Martin, R 64% Allison Gorman, D 36% R Hold
27 R Incumbent Patsy Hazelwood, R 84% Michael H. Potter, IND 16% R Hold
28 D Incumbent Yusef Hakeem, D Unopposed D Hold
29 R Incumbent Greg Vital, R Unopposed R Hold
30 R Incumbent Esther Helton, R Unopposed R Hold
31 R Incumbent Ron Travis, R 86% David Brown, D 14% R Hold
32 R Open Monty Fritts, R 77% Jan Hahn, D 23% R Hold
33 R Incumbent John Ragan, R 66% Jim Dodson, D 34% R Hold
34 R Incumbent Tim Rudd, R 58% Laura Bohling, D 42% R Hold
35 R Open William Slater, R Unopposed R Hold
36 R Incumbent Dennis Powers, R Unopposed R Hold
37 R Incumbent Charlie Baum, R 63% Bill Levine, D 37% R Hold
38 R Incumbent Kelly Keisling, R Unopposed R Hold
39 R Incumbent Iris Ruder, R 76% Bruce Manuel, D 24% R Hold
40 R Open Michael Hale, R 83% Tom Cook, D 17% R Hold
41 D Open John Mark Windel, IND 50% Ed Butler, R 49% IND Gain
42 R Incumbent Ryan Williams, R Unopposed R Hold
43 R Incumbent Paul Sherrell, R 73% Cheryl Womack Uselton, D 27% R Hold
44 R Incumbent William Lamberth, R 77% Kesa Fowler, D 23% R Hold
45 R Incumbent Johnny Garrett, R Unopposed R Hold
46 R Incumbent Clark Boyd, R Unopposed R Hold
47 R Incumbent Rush Bricken, R 83% Veronica Owens, IND 17% R Hold
48 R Incumbent Bryan Terry, R 64% Matt Ferry, D 36% R Hold
49 R Incumbent Mike Sparks, R 58% Morgan Woodberry, D 42% R Hold
50 D Incumbent Bo Mitchell, D Unopposed D Hold
51 D Incumbent Bill Beck, D Unopposed D Hold
52 D Open Justin Jones, D Unopposed D Hold
53 D Incumbent Jason Powell, D 63% Dia Hart, R 37% D Hold
54 D Incumbent Vincent Dixie, D Unopposed D Hold
55 D Incumbent Johnny Ray Clemmons, D Unopposed D Hold
56 D Incumbent Bob Freeman, D Unopposed D Hold
57 R Incumbent Susan Lynn, R Unopposed R Hold
58 D Incumbent Harold M. Love, Jr., D Unopposed D Hold
59 D Open Michelle Foreman, R 51% Caleb Hemmer, D 49% R Gain
60 D Incumbent Darrell Jernigan, D 51% Christopher Huff, R 49% D Hold
61 R Open Gino Bulso, R 62% Steven Cervantes, D 38% R Hold
62 R Incumbent Pat Marsh, R Unopposed R Hold
63 R Open Jake McCalmon, R 66% Kisha Davis, D 34% R Hold
64 R Incumbent Scott Cepicky, R 69% Jameson Manor, D 31% R Hold
65 R Incumbent Sam Whitson, R Unopposed R Hold
66 R Incumbent Sabi “Doc” Kumar, R Unopposed R Hold
67 D Open Ronnie Glynn, D 50% Tommy Vallejos, R 49% D Hold
68 R Incumbent Curtis Johnson, R 78% Monica Meeks, IND 22% R Hold
69 R Open Jody Barrett, R 78% Candie Hedge, D 20% Other 2% R Hold
70 R Incumbent Clay Doggett, R Unopposed R Hold
71 R Open Kip Capley, R 68% David Carson II, D 32% R Hold
72 R Incumbent Kirk Haston, R Unopposed R Hold
73 R Incumbent Chris Todd, R 67% Erica Coleman, D 33% R Hold
74 R Incumbent Jay Reedy, R Unopposed R Hold
75 R Open Jeff Burkhart, R Unopposed R Hold
76 R Incumbent Tandy Darby, R 73% Other 27% R Hold
77 R Incumbent Rusty Grills, R Unopposed R Hold
78 R Incumbent Mary Littleton, R 76% Krystle James, D 24% R Hold
79 R Open Brock Martin, R 76% Thomas Jefferson, D 24% R Hold
80 D Incumbent Johnny Shaw, D Unopposed D Hold
81 R Incumbent Debra Moody, R 83% Nicholas Sawall, IND 17% R Hold
82 R Incumbent Chris Hurt, R Unopposed R Hold
83 R Incumbent Mark White, R Unopposed R Hold
84 D Incumbent Joe Towns, D Unopposed D Hold
85 D Incumbent Jesse Chism, D Unopposed D Hold
86 D Incumbent Barbara Cooper, D 89% Michael Porter, IND 11% D Hold
87 D Incumbent Karen Camper, D Unopposed D Hold
88 D Incumbent Larry Miller, D Unopposed D Hold
89 R Incumbent Justin Lafferty, R 64% M.D. Dotson, D 36% R Hold
90 D Incumbent Gloria Johnson, D 57% David “Pozy” Poczobut, R 43% D Hold
91 D Incumbent Torrey Harris, D 83% Barbara Farmer-Tolbert, R 17% D Hold
92 R Incumbent Todd Warner, R 72% Angela Hughes, D 28% R Hold
93 D Incumbent G.A. Hardaway, D Unopposed D Hold
94 R Incumbent Ron Grant, R Unopposed R Hold
95 R Incumbent Kevin Vaughan, R 67% Patricia Causey, D 33% R Hold
96 D Incumbent Dwayne Thompson, D Unopposed D Hold
97 R Incumbent John Gillespie, R 50% Toniko Harris, D 49% R Hold
98 D Incumbent Antonio Parkinson, D Unopposed D Hold
99 R Incumbent Tom Leatherwood, R Unopposed R Hold

TN State Senate, R Retains Super Majority, no seats change hand

Tennessee State Senate

1 R Open J. Adam Lowe, R 74% Patricia Waters, D 26% R Hold
3 R Incumbent Rusty Crowe, R 74% Kate Craig, D 26% R Hold
7 R Incumbent Richard Briggs, R 58% Bryan Langan, D 42% R Hold
9 R Incumbent Steve Southerland, R 81% Sara Thompson, D 19% R Hold
13 R Incumbent Dawn White, R 60% Kelly Northcut, D 40% R Hold
19 D Open Charlane Oliver, D 71% Pime Hernandez, R 29% D Hold
21 D Incumbent Jeff Yarbro, D 81% Rueben Dockery, IND 19% D Hold
25 R Incumbent Ed Jackson, R 83% Ronnie Henley, IND 17% R Hold
31 R open Brent Taylor, R 61% Ruby Powell-Dennis, D 39% R Hold
33 D Incumbent London Lamar, D 79% Frederick D. Tappan, R 18% Other 3% D Hold

5 R Incumbent Randy McNally, R Unopposed R Hold
11 R Incumbent Bo Watson, R Unopposed R Hold
15 R Incumbent Paul Bailey, R Unopposed R Hold
17 R Incumbent Mark Prody, R Unopposed R Hold
23 R Incumbent Kerry Roberts, R Unopposed R Hold
27 R Incumbent Jack Johnson, R Unopposed R Hold
29 D Incumbent Raumesh Akbari, D Unopposed D Hold

State Legislature – modest GOP gains, largely status quo

Lower Chamber       Upper Chamber   

Alabama R Hold House R Hold Senate
Alaska R Gain House R Hold Senate
Arizona R Hold House R Hold Senate
Arkansas R Hold House R Hold Senate
California D Hold House D Hold Senate
Colorado D Hold House D Hold Senate
Connecticut D Hold House D Hold Senate
Delaware D Hold House D Hold Senate
Florida R Hold House R Hold Senate
Georgia R Hold House R Hold Senate
Hawaii D Hold House D Hold Senate
Idaho R Hold House R Hold Senate
Illinois D Hold House D Hold Senate
Indiana R Hold House R Hold Senate
Iowa R Hold House R Hold Senate
Kansas R Hold House X Senate
Kentucky R Hold House R Hold Senate
Maine R Gain House D Hold Senate
Maryland D Hold House D Hold Senate
Massachusetts D Hold House D Hold Senate
Michigan R Hold House R Hold Senate
Minnesota R Gain House R Hold Senate
Missouri R Hold House R Hold Senate
Montana R Hold House R Hold Senate
Nebraska House IND Senate
Nevada R Gain House R Gain Senate
New Hampshire R Hold House R Hold Senate
New Mexico D Hold House X Senate
New York D Hold House D Hold Senate
North Carolina R Hold House R Hold Senate
North Dakota R Hold House R Hold Senate
Ohio R Hold House R Hold Senate
Oklahoma R Hold House R Hold Senate
Oregon D Hold House D Hold Senate
Pennsylvania R Hold House R Hold Senate
Rhode Island D Hold House D Hold Senate
South Carolina R Hold House X Senate
South Dakota R Hold House R Hold Senate
Tennessee R Hold House R Hold Senate
Texas R Hold House R Hold Senate
Utah R Hold House R Hold Senate
Vermont D Hold House D Hold Senate
Washington D Hold House D Hold Senate
West Virginia R Hold House R Hold Senate
Wisconsin R Hold House R Hold Senate
Wyoming R Hold House R Hold Senate

Sec of State elections, all parties retain offices as before

Alabama R Open Wes Allen, R 61% Pamela Little, D 37% Other 2% R Hold
Arizona D Open Adrian Fontes, D 51% Mark Finchem, R 49% D Hold
Arkansas R Incumbent John Thurston, R 63% Anna Beth Gorman, D 37% R Hold
California D Incumbent Shirley Weber, D 61% Rob Bernosky, R 39% D Hold
Colorado D Incumbent Jena Griswold, D 52% Pam Anderson, R 45% Other 3% D Hold
Connecticult D OPen Stephanie Thomas, D 52% Dominic Rapini, R 46% Other 2% D Hold
Georgia R Incumbent Brad Raffensperger, R 54% Bee Nguyen, D 42% Other 4% R Hold
Idaho R Open Phil McGrane, R 63% Shawn Keenan, D 37% R Hold
Illinois D Open Alexi Giannoulias, D 63% Dan Brady, R 35% Other 2% D Hold
Indiana R Open Diego Morales, R 55% Destiny Wells, D 43% Other 2% R Hold
Iowa R Incumbent Paul Pate, R 54% Joel Miller, D 46% R Hold
Kansas R Incumbent Scott Schawb, R 55% Jeanna Repass, R 43% Other 2% R Hold
Massachusetts D Incumbent William F. Galvin, D 67% Rayla Campbell, R 30% Other 3% D Hold
Michigan D Incumbent Jocelyn Benson, D 52% Kristina Karamo, R 46% Other 3% D Hold
Minnesota D Incumbent Steve Simon, D 53% Kim Crockett, R 47% D Hold
Nebraska R Incumbent Bob Evnen, R 99% Other 1% R hold
Nevada R Open Jim Marchant, R 49% Cisco Aguilar, D 48% Other 3% R Hold
New Mexico D Incumbent Maggie Toulouse Oliver, D 53% Audrey Trujillo, R 45% Other 2% D Hold
North Dakota R Open Michael Howe, R 64% Jeffrey Powell, D 36% R Hold
Rhode Island D Open Gregg Amore, D 61% Pat Cortellessa, R 36% Other 3% D Hold
South Carolina R Incumbent Mark Hammond, R 63% Rosemounda Peggy Butler, D 37% R Hold
South Dakota R Open Monae Johnson, R 68% Thomas Cool, D 32% R Hold
Vermont D Open Sarah Copeland-Hanzas, D 68% H. Brooke Paige, R 32% Other D Hold
Washington D Incumbent Steve Hobbs, D 51% Julie Anderson, NP 48% Other 1% D Hold special election
Wisconsin D Incumbent Doug La Follette, D 49% Amy Loudenbeck, R 48% Other 3% D Hold
Wyoming R Open Chuck Gray, R 99% Other 1% R Hold

US House, GOP pickup R 244, D 191

Alabama 1 Jerry Carl (Republican) 88% Alexander Remrey (Libertarian) 12% 100% Hold
Alabama 2 Barry Moore (Republican) 68% Phyllis Harvey-Hall (Democratic) 30% Other 2% 100% Hold
Alabama 3 Mike Rogers (Republican) 69% Lin Veasey (Democratic) 29% Other 2% 100% Hold
Alabama 4 Robert Aderholt (Republican) 84% Rick Neighbors (Democratic) 15% Other 1% 100% Hold
Alabama 5 Dale Strong (Republican) 66% Kathy Warner-Stanton (Democratic) 32% Other 2% 100% Hold
Alabama 6 Gary Palmer (Republican) 88% Andria Chieffo (Libertarian) 12% 100% Hold
Alabama 7 Beatrice Nichols (Republican) 27% Terri Sewell (Democratic) 72% Other 1% 100% Hold
Alaska at-large Sarah Palin (Republican) 49% Mary Peltola (Democratic) 51% Other 100% Hold * Last Round
Arizona 1 David Schweikert (Republican) 55% Jevin Hodge (Democratic) 45% 100% Hold
Arizona 2 Eli Crane (Republican) 52% Tom O’Halleran (Democratic) 48% 100% Gain
Arizona 3 Jeff Zink (Republican) 28% Ruben Gallego (Democratic) 72% 100% Hold
Arizona 4 Kelly Cooper (Republican) 49% Greg Stanton (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
Arizona 5 Andy Biggs (Republican) 58% Javier Ramos (Democratic) 40% Other 2% 100% Hold
Arizona 6 Juan Ciscomani (Republican) 52% Kirsten Engel (Democratic) 48% 100% Gain
Arizona 7 Luis Pozzolo (Republican) 41% Raúl Grijalva (Democratic) 59% 100% Hold
Arizona 8 Debbie Lesko (Republican) 99% 1% 100% Hold
Arizona 9 Paul Gosar (Republican) 99% 1% 100% Hold
Arkansas 1 Rick Crawford (Republican) 77% Monte Hodges (Democratic) 23% 100% Hold
Arkansas 2 French Hill (Republican) 57% Quintessa Hathaway (Democratic) 41% Other 2% 100% Hold
Arkansas 3 Steve Womack (Republican) 66% Lauren Mallett-Hays (Democratic) 31% Other 3% 100% Hold
Arkansas 4 Bruce Westerman (Republican) 72% John White (Democratic) 26% Other 2% 100% Hold
California 1 Doug LaMalfa (Republican) 59% Max Steiner (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
California 2 Douglas Brower (Republican) 28% Jared Huffman (Democratic) 72% 100% Hold
California 3 Kevin Kiley (Republican) 55% Kermit Jones (Democratic) 45% 100% R Gain
California 4 Matt Brock (Republican) 27% Mike Thompson (Democratic) 73% 100% Hold
California 5 Tom McClintock (Republican) 57% Mike Barkley (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
California 6 Tamika Hamilton (Republican) 47% Ami Bera (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
California 7 Max Semenenko (Republican) 29% Doris Matsui (Democratic) 71% 100% Hold
California 8 Rudy Recile (Republican) 43% John Garamendi (Democratic) 57% 100% Hold
California 9 Tom Patti (Republican) 51% Josh Harder (Democratic) 49% 100% R Gain
California 10 Mark DeSaulnier (Democratic) 85% Michael Kerr (Green) 15% 100% Hold
California 11 John Dennis (Republican) 22% Nancy Pelosi (Democratic) 78% 100% Hold
California 12 Stephen Slauson (Republican) 13% Barbara Lee (Democratic) 87% 100% Hold
California 13 John Duarte (Republican) 53% Adam Gray (Democratic) 47% 100% R Gain
California 14 Alison Hayden (Republican) 33% Eric Swalwell (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
California 15 David Canepa (Democratic) 65% Other D 35% 100% Hold
California 16 Anna Eshoo (Democratic) 63% Other D 37% 100% Hold
California 17 Ritesh Tandon (Republican) 32% Ro Khanna (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
California 18 Peter Hernandez (Republican) 31% Zoe Lofgren (Democratic) 69% 100% Hold
California 19 Jeff Gorman (Republican) 26% Jimmy Panetta (Democratic) 74% 100% Hold
California 20 Kevin McCarthy (Republican) 72% Marisa Wood (Democratic) 28% 100% Hold
California 21 Michael Maher (Republican) 46% Jim Costa (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
California 22 David Valadao (Republican) 54% Rudy Salas (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
California 23 Jay Obernolte (Republican) 58% Derek Marshall (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
California 24 Brad Allen (Republican) 44% Salud Carbajal (Democratic) 56% 100% Hold
California 25 Brian Hawkins (Republican) 44% Raul Ruiz (Democratic) 56% 100% Hold
California 26 Matt Jacobs (Republican) 43% Julia Brownley (Democratic) 57% 100% Hold
California 27 Mike Garcia (Republican) 52% Christy Smith (Democratic) 48% 100% Hold
California 28 Wes Hallman (Republican) 33% Judy Chu (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
California 29 Tony Cárdenas (Democratic) 72% Other D 28% 100% Hold
California 30 Maebe A. Girl (Democratic) 76% Other D 24% 100% Hold
California 31 Daniel Martinez (Republican) 37% Grace Napolitano (Democratic) 63% 100% Hold
California 32 Lucie Volotzky (Republican) 34% Brad Sherman (Democratic) 66% 100% Hold
California 33 John Porter (Republican) 42% Pete Aguilar (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
California 34 Jimmy Gomez (Democratic) 56% Other D 44% 100% Hold
California 35 Mike Cargile (Republican) 34% Norma Torres (Democratic) 66% 100% Hold
California 36 Joe Collins III (Republican) 37% Ted Lieu (Democratic) 63% 100% Hold
California 37 Sydney Kamlager (Democratic) 58% Other D 42% 100% Hold
California 38 Eric Ching (Republican) 39% Linda Sánchez (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
California 39 Aja Smith (Republican) 42% Mark Takano (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
California 40 Young Kim (Republican) 52% Asif Mahmood (Democratic) 48% 100% Hold
California 41 Ken Calvert (Republican) 57% Will Rollins (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
California 42 John Briscoe (Republican) 29% Robert Garcia (Democratic) 71% 100% Hold
California 43 Omar Navarro (Republican) 32% Maxine Waters (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
California 44 Paul Jones (Republican) 33% Nanette Barragán (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
California 45 Michelle Steel (Republican) 56% Jay Chen (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
California 46 Christopher Gonzales (Republican) 35% Lou Correa (Democratic) 65% 100% Hold
California 47 Scott Baugh (Republican) 51% Katie Porter (Democratic) 49% 100% R Gain
California 48 Darrell Issa (Republican) 57% Stephen Houlahan (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
California 49 Brian Maryott (Republican) 52% Mike Levin (Democratic) 48% 100% R Gain
California 50 Corey Gustafson (Republican) 42% Scott Peters (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
California 51 Stan Caplan (Republican) 33% Sara Jacobs (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
California 52 Tyler Geffeney (Republican) 34% Juan Vargas (Democratic) 66% 100% Hold
Colorado 1 Jennifer Qualteri (Republican) 29% Diana DeGette (Democratic) 70% Other 1% 100% Hold
Colorado 2 Marshall Dawson (Republican) 41% Joe Neguse (Democratic) 56% Other 3% 100% Hold
Colorado 3 Lauren Boebert (Republican) 53% Adam Frisch (Democratic) 47% 100% Hold
Colorado 4 Ken Buck (Republican) 64% Ike McCorkle (Democratic) 34% Other 2% 100% Hold
Colorado 5 Doug Lamborn (Republican) 61% David Torres (Democratic) 35% Other 4% 100% Hold
Colorado 6 Steven Monahan (Republican) 45% Jason Crow (Democratic) 53% Other 2% 100% Hold
Colorado 7 Erik Aadland (Republican) 48% Brittany Pettersen (Democratic) 49% Other 3% 100% Hold
Colorado 8 Barbara Kirkmeyer (Republican) 50% Yadira Caraveo (Democratic) 48% Other 2% 100% Gain
Connecticut 1 Larry Lazor (Republican) 40% John B. Larson (Democratic) 58% Other 2% 100% Hold
Connecticut 2 Mike France (Republican) 40% Joe Courtney (Democratic) 56% Other 4% 100% Hold
Connecticut 3 Lesley DeNardis (Republican) 41% Rosa DeLauro (Democratic) 56% Other 3% 100% hold
Connecticut 4 Jayme Stevenson (Republican) 42% Jim Himes (Democratic) 58% 100% hold
Connecticut 5 George Logan (Republican) 51% Jahana Hayes (Democratic) 49% 100% Gain
Delaware at-large Lee Murphy (Republican) 42% Lisa Blunt Rochester (Democratic) 55% Other 3% 100% Hold
Florida 1 Matt Gaetz (Republican) 57% Rebekah Jones (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Florida 2 Neal Dunn (Republican) 55% Al Lawson (Democratic) 45% 100% Hold
Florida 3 Kat Cammack (Republican) 56% Danielle Hawk (Democratic) 43% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 4 Aaron Bean (Republican) 57% LaShonda Holloway (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Florida 5 John Rutherford (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 6 Michael Waltz (Republican) 86% Joe Hannoush (Libertarian) 14% 100% Hold
Florida 7 Cory Mills (Republican) 52% Karen Green (Democratic) 48% 100% Gain
Florida 8 Bill Posey (Republican) 59% Joanne Terry (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
Florida 9 Scotty Moore (Republican) 47% Darren Soto (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Florida 10 Calvin Wimbish (Republican) 41% Maxwell Frost (Democratic) 57% Other 2% 100% Hold
Florida 11 Daniel Webster (Republican) 54% Shante Munns (Democratic) 45% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 12 Gus Bilirakis (Republican) 63% Kimberly Walker (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Florida 13 Anna Paulina Luna (Republican) 50% Eric Lynn (Democratic) 48% Other 2% 100% Gain
Florida 14 James Judge (Republican) 47% Kathy Castor (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Florida 15 Laurel Lee (Republican) 53% Alan Cohn (Democratic) 47% 100% Gain New Seat
Florida 16 Vern Buchanan (Republican) 54% Jan Schneider (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Florida 17 Greg Steube (Republican) 55% Andrea Kale (Democratic) 44% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 18 Scott Franklin (Republican) 84% Keith Hayden (Independent) 16% 100% Hold
Florida 19 Byron Donalds (Republican) 58% Cindy Banyai (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Florida 20 Drew Montez Clark (Republican) 38% Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (Democratic) 62% 100% Hold
Florida 21 Brian Mast (Republican) 54% Corinna Balderramos Robinson (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Florida 22 Daniel Franzese (Republican) 47% Lois Frankel (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Florida 23 Joe Budd (Republican) 48% Jared Moskowitz (Democratic) 50% Other 2% 100% Hold
Florida 24 Jesus Navarro (Republican) 34% Frederica Wilson (Democratic) 66% 100% Hold
Florida 25 Carla Spalding (Republican) 46% Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
Florida 26 Mario Díaz-Balart (Republican) 56% Christine Olivo (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
Florida 27 María Elvira Salazar (Republican) 54% Annette Taddeo (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Florida 28 Carlos A. Giménez (Republican) 57% Robert Asencio (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Georgia 1 Buddy Carter (Republican) 61% Wade Herring (Democratic) 39% 100% Hold
Georgia 2 Chris West (Republican) 48% Sanford Bishop (Democratic) 52% 100% Hold
Georgia 3 Drew Ferguson (Republican) 68% Val Almonord (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
Georgia 4 Jonathan Chavez (Republican) 23% Hank Johnson (Democratic) 77% 100% Hold
Georgia 5 Christian Zimm (Republican) 18% Nikema Williams (Democratic) 82% 100% Hold
Georgia 6 Rich McCormick (Republican) 57% Bob Christian (Democratic) 43% 100% Gain
Georgia 7 Mark Gonsalves (Republican) 45% Lucy McBath (Democratic) 55% 100% Hold
Georgia 8 Austin Scott (Republican) 61% Darrius Butler (Democratic) 39% 100% Hold
Georgia 9 Andrew Clyde (Republican) 67% Mike Ford (Democratic) 33% 100% Hold
Georgia 10 Mike Collins (Republican) 58% Tabitha Johnson-Green (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Georgia 11 Barry Loudermilk (Republican) 62% Antonio Daza-Fernandez (Democratic) 38% 100% Hold
Georgia 12 Rick W. Allen (Republican) 59% Liz Johnson (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
Georgia 13 Caesar Gonzales (Republican) 37% David Scott (Democratic) 63% 100% Hold
Georgia 14 Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican) 63% Marcus Flowers (Democratic) 33% Other 4% 100% Hold
Hawaii 1 Conrad Kress (Republican) 29% Ed Case (Democratic) 69% Other 2% 100% Hold
Hawaii 2 Joe Akana (Republican) 40% Jill Tokuda (Democratic) 57% Other 3% 100% Hold
Idaho 1 Russ Fulcher (Republican) 71% Kaylee Peterson (Democratic) 27% Other 2% 100% Hold
Idaho 2 Mike Simpson (Republican) 68% Wendy Norman (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
Illinois 1 Eric Carlson (Republican) 33% Jonathan Jackson (Democratic) 66% Other 1% 100% Hold
Illinois 2 Thomas Lynch (Republican) 32% Robin Kelly (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
Illinois 3 Justin Burau (Republican) 31% Delia Ramirez (Democratic) 69% 100% Hold
Illinois 4 James Falakos (Republican) 27% Chuy García (Democratic) 71% Other 2% 100% Hold
Illinois 5 Tommy Hanson (Republican) 32% Mike Quigley (Democratic) 67% Other 1% 100% Hold
Illinois 6 Keith Pekau (Republican) 49% Sean Casten (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
Illinois 7 Danny K. Davis (Democratic) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Illinois 8 Chris Dargis (Republican) 46% Raja Krishnamoorthi (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
Illinois 9 Max Rice (Republican) 33% Jan Schakowsky (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
Illinois 10 Joseph Severino (Republican) 45% Brad Schneider (Democratic) 55% 100% Hold
Illinois 11 Catalina Lauf (Republican) 47% Bill Foster (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Illinois 12 Mike Bost (Republican) 72% Chip Markel (Democratic) 28% 100% Hold
Illinois 13 Regan Deering (Republican) 50% Nikki Budzinski (Democratic) 48% Other 2% 100% Hold
Illinois 14 Scott Gryder (Republican) 50% Lauren Underwood (Democratic) 50% 100% D Hold
Illinois 15 Mary Miller (Republican) 68% Paul Lange (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
Illinois 16 Darin LaHood (Republican) 56% Elizabeth Haderlein (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
Illinois 17 Esther Joy King (Republican) 49% Eric Sorensen (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
Indiana 1 Jennifer-Ruth Green (Republican) 48% Frank J. Mrvan (Democratic) 52% 100% Hold
Indiana 2 Rudy Yakym (Republican) 64% Paul Steury (Democratic) 34% Other 2% 100% Hold * simulataneous special and general election to finish term
Indiana 3 Jim Banks (Republican) 71% Gary Snyder (Democratic) 27% Other 2% 100% Hold
Indiana 4 Jim Baird (Republican) 70% Roger Day (Democratic) 30% 100% Hold
Indiana 5 Victoria Spartz (Republican) 53% Jeannine Lee Lake (Democratic) 47% 100% Hold
Indiana 6 Greg Pence (Republican) 71% Cinde Wirth (Democratic) 29% 100% Hold
Indiana 7 Angela Grabovsky (Republican) 40% André Carson (Democratic) 58% Other 2% 100% Hold
Indiana 8 Larry Bucshon (Republican) 70% Ray McCormick (Democratic) 28% Other 2% 100% Hold
Indiana 9 Erin Houchin (Republican) 65% Matthew Fyfe (Democratic) 32% Other 3% 100% Hold
Iowa 1 Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Republican) 53% Christina Bohannan (Democratic) 47% 100% Hold
Iowa 2 Ashley Hinson (Republican) 54% Liz Mathis (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Iowa 3 Zach Nunn (Republican) 51% Cindy Axne (Democratic) 49% 100% Gain
Iowa 4 Randy Feenstra (Republican) 67% Ryan Melton (Democratic) 31% Other 2% 100% Hold
Kansas 1 Tracey Mann (Republican) 74% Jimmy Beard (Democratic) 26% 100% Hold
Kansas 2 Jake LaTurner (Republican) 53% Patrick Schmidt (Democratic) 47% 100% Hold
Kansas 3 Amanda Adkins (Republican) 46% Sharice Davids (Democratic) 51% 3% 100% Hold
Kansas 4 Ron Estes (Republican) 66% Bob Hernandez (Democratic) 34% 100% Hold
Kentucky 1 James Comer (Republican) 78% Jimmy Ausbrooks (Democratic) 22% 100% Hold
Kentucky 2 Brett Guthrie (Republican) 73% Hank Linderman (Democratic) 27% 100% Hold
Kentucky 3 Stuart Ray (Republican) 43% Morgan McGarvey (Democratic) 57% 100% Hold
Kentucky 4 Thomas Massie (Republican) 70% Matthew Lehman (Democratic) 28% Other 2% 100% Hold
Kentucky 5 Hal Rogers (Republican) 87% Conor Halbleib (Democratic) 13% 100% Hold
Kentucky 6 Andy Barr (Republican) 61% Geoff Young (Democratic) 39% 100% Hold
Louisiana 1 Steve Scalise (Republican) 75% Katie Darling (Democratic) 23% Other 2% 100% Hold
Louisiana 2 Dan Lux (Republican) 17% Troy Carter (Democratic) 83% 100% Hold
Louisiana 3 Clay Higgins (Republican) 33% Lessie Leblanc (Democratic) 11% Other 56% 100% Hold * December runoff, Higgins wins over Holden Hoggatt, R
Louisiana 4 Mike Johnson (Republican) 100% 100% Hold
Louisiana 5 Julia Letlow (Republican) 50% Omar Dantzler (Democratic) 22% Other 28% 100% Hold * Letlow wins either November or runoff
Louisiana 6 Garret Graves (Republican) 60% Other 40% 100% Hold
Maine 1 Ed Thelander (Republican) 39% Chellie Pingree (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
Maine 2 Bruce Poliquin (Republican) 47% Jared Golden (Democratic) 48% Other 5% 100% Hold
Maryland 1 Andy Harris (Republican) 55% Heather Mizeur (Democratic) 43% Other 2% 100% Hold
Maryland 2 Nicolee Ambrose (Republican) 45% Dutch Ruppersberger (Democratic) 55% 100% Hold
Maryland 3 Yuripzy Morgan (Republican) 40% John Sarbanes (Democratic) 60% 100% Hold
Maryland 4 Jeff Warner (Republican) 22% Glenn Ivey (Democratic) 78% 100% Hold
Maryland 5 Chris Palombi (Republican) 37% Steny Hoyer (Democratic) 63% 100% Hold
Maryland 6 Neil Parrott (Republican) 48% David Trone (Democratic) 52% 100% Hold
Maryland 7 Scott Collier (Republican) 32% Kweisi Mfume (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
Maryland 8 Gregory Coll (Republican) 35% Jamie Raskin (Democratic) 63% Other 2% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 1 Dean Martilli (Republican) 46% Richard Neal (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 2 Jeffrey Sossa-Paquette (Republican) 40% Jim McGovern (Democratic) 60% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 3 Dean Tran (Republican) 31% Lori Trahan (Democratic) 69% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 4 Jake Auchincloss (Democratic) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 5 Caroline Colarusso (Republican) 29% Katherine Clark (Democratic) 71% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 6 Bob May (Republican) 39% Seth Moulton (Democratic) 59% Other 2% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 7 Donnie Palmer Jr. (Republican) 28% Ayanna Pressley (Democratic) 72% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 8 Robert Burke (Republican) 26% Stephen F. Lynch (Democratic) 74% 100% Hold
Massachusetts 9 Jesse Brown (Republican) 42% Bill Keating (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
Michigan 1 Jack Bergman (Republican) 63% Bob Lorinser (Democratic) 34% Other 3% 100% Hold
Michigan 2 John Moolenaar (Republican) 65% Jerry Hilliard (Democratic) 33% Other 2% 100% Hold
Michigan 3 John Gibbs (Republican) 48% Hillary Scholten (Democratic) 49% Other 3% 100% Gain
Michigan 4 Bill Huizenga (Republican) 57% Joseph Alfonso (Democratic) 40% Other 3% 100% Hold
Michigan 5 Tim Walberg (Republican) 60% Bart Goldberg (Democratic) 38% Other 2% 100% Hold
Michigan 6 Whittney Williams (Republican) 39% Debbie Dingell (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
Michigan 7 Tom Barrett (Republican) 49% Elissa Slotkin (Democratic) 49% Other 2% 100% D Hold
Michigan 8 Paul Junge (Republican) 48% Dan Kildee (Democratic) 49% Other 3% 100% Hold
Michigan 9 Lisa McClain (Republican) 65% Brian Jaye (Democratic) 33% Other 2% 100% Hold
Michigan 10 John James (Republican) 49% Carl Marlinga (Democratic) 47% Other 4% 100% Hold
Michigan 11 Mark Ambrose (Republican) 44% Haley Stevens (Democratic) 56% 100% Hold
Michigan 12 Steven Elliott (Republican) 31% Rashida Tlaib (Democratic) 68% Other 1% 100% Hold
Michigan 13 Martell Bivings (Republican) 29% Shri Thanedar (Democratic) 69% Other 2% 100% Hold
Minnesota 1 Brad Finstad (Republican) 56% Jeff Ettinger (DFL) 41% Other 3% 100% Hold
Minnesota 2 Tyler Kistner (Republican) 50% Angie Craig (DFL) 48% Other 2% 100% Gain
Minnesota 3 Tom Weiler (Republican) 42% Dean Phillips (DFL) 58% 100% Hold
Minnesota 4 May Lor Xiong (Republican) 41% Betty McCollum (DFL) 59% 100% Hold
Minnesota 5 Cicely Davis (Republican) 39% Ilhan Omar (DFL) 61% 100% Hold
Minnesota 6 Tom Emmer (Republican) 69% Jeanne Hendricks (DFL) 31% 100% Hold
Minnesota 7 Michelle Fischbach (Republican) 61% Jill Abahsain (DFL) 37% Other 2% 100% Hold
Minnesota 8 Pete Stauber (Republican) 59% Jennifer Schultz (DFL) 41% 100% Hold
Mississippi 1 Trent Kelly (Republican) 71% Dianne Black (Democratic) 29% 100% Hold
Mississippi 2 Brian Flowers (Republican) 37% Bennie Thompson (Democratic) 63% 100% Hold
Mississippi 3 Michael Guest (Republican) 67% Shuwaski Young (Democratic) 33% 100% Hold
Mississippi 4 Mike Ezell (Republican) 68% Johnny DuPree (Democratic) 29% Other 3% 100% Hold
Missouri 1 Andrew Jones (Republican) 23% Cori Bush (Democratic) 75% Other 2% 100% Hold
Missouri 2 Ann Wagner (Republican) 54% Trish Gunby (Democratic) 44% Other 2% 100% Hold
Missouri 3 Blaine Luetkemeyer (Republican) 73% Bethany Mann (Democratic) 27% 100% Hold
Missouri 4 Mark Alford (Republican) 70% Jack Truman (Democratic) 28% Other 2% 100% Hold
Missouri 5 Jacob Turk (Republican) 43% Emanuel Cleaver (Democratic) 55% Other 2% 100% Hold
Missouri 6 Sam Graves (Republican) 70% Henry Martin (Democratic) 28% Other 2% 100% Hold
Missouri 7 Eric Burlison (Republican) 74% Kristen Radaker-Sheafer (Democratic) 24% Other 2% 100% Hold
Missouri 8 Jason Smith (Republican) 79% Randi McCallian (Democratic) 19% Other 2% 100% Hold
Montana 1 Ryan Zinke (Republican) 55% Monica Tranel (Democratic) 42% Other 3% 100% Gain
Montana 2 Matt Rosendale (Republican) 60% Penny Ronning (Democratic) 36% Other 4% 100% Hold
Nebraska 1 Mike Flood (Republican) 62% Patty Pansing Brooks (Democratic) 38% 100% Hold
Nebraska 2 Don Bacon (Republican) 52% Tony Vargas (Democratic) 48% 100% Hold
Nebraska 3 Adrian Smith (Republican) 81% David Else (Democratic) 18% Other 1% 100% Hold
Nevada 1 Mark Robertson (Republican) 53% Dina Titus (Democratic) 43% Other 4% 100% Gain
Nevada 2 Mark Amodei (Republican) 59% Elizabeth Krause (Democratic) 36% Other 5% 100% Hold
Nevada 3 April Becker (Republican) 53% Susie Lee (Democratic) 47% 100% Gain
Nevada 4 Sam Peters (Republican) 49% Steven Horsford (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
New Hampshire 1 Karoline Leavitt (Republican) 50% Chris Pappas (Democratic) 50% 100% R Gain
New Hampshire 2 Robert Burns (Republican) 49% Annie Kuster (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
New Jersey 1 Claire Gustafson (Republican) 40% Donald Norcross (Democratic) 57% Other 3% 100% Hold
New Jersey 2 Jeff Van Drew (Republican) 53% Tim Alexander (Democratic) 45% Other 2% 100% Hold
New Jersey 3 Bob Healey Jr. (Republican) 48% Andy Kim (Democratic) 49% Other 3% 100% Hold
New Jersey 4 Chris Smith (Republican) 62% Matthew Jenkins (Democratic) 36% Other 2% 100% Hold
New Jersey 5 Frank Pallotta (Republican) 48% Josh Gottheimer (Democratic) 49% Other 3% 100% Hold
New Jersey 6 Sue Kiley (Republican) 40% Frank Pallone (Democratic) 58% Other 2% 100% Hold
New Jersey 7 Thomas Kean Jr. (Republican) 51% Tom Malinowski (Democratic) 49% 100% Gain
New Jersey 8 Marcos Arroyo (Republican) 26% Rob Menendez (Democratic) 70% Other 4% 100% Hold
New Jersey 9 Billy Prempeh (Republican) 36% Bill Pascrell (Democratic) 61% Other 3% 100% Hold
New Jersey 10 David Pinckney (Republican) 19% Donald Payne Jr. (Democratic) 79% Other 2% 100% Hold
New Jersey 11 Paul DeGroot (Republican) 48% Mikie Sherrill (Democratic) 50% Other 2% 100% Hold
New Jersey 12 Darius Mayfield (Republican) 36% Bonnie Watson Coleman (Democratic) 63% Other 1% 100% Hold
New Mexico 1 Michelle Garcia Holmes (Republican) 46% Melanie Stansbury (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
New Mexico 2 Yvette Herrell (Republican) 56% Gabe Vasquez (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
New Mexico 3 Alexis Martinez Johnson (Republican) 42% Teresa Leger Fernandez (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
New York 1 Nick LaLota (Republican) 54% Bridget Fleming (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
New York 2 Andrew Garbarino (Republican) 53% Jackie Gordon (Democratic) 47% 100% Hold
New York 3 George Santos (Republican) 51% Robert Zimmerman (Democratic) 49% 100% Gain
New York 4 Anthony D’Esposito (Republican) 52% Laura Gillen (Democratic) 48% 100% Gain
New York 5 Paul King (Republican) 24% Gregory Meeks (Democratic) 76% 100% Hold
New York 6 Thomas Zmich (Republican) 32% Grace Meng (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
New York 7 Juan Pagan (Republican) 22% Nydia Velázquez (Democratic) 78% 100% Hold
New York 8 Yuri Dashevsky (Republican) 27% Hakeem Jeffries (Democratic) 73% 100% Hold
New York 9 Yvette Clarke (Democratic) 81% Menachem Raitport (Conservative) 19% 100% Hold
New York 10 Benine Hamdan (Republican) 24% Dan Goldman (Democratic) 74% Other 2% 100% Hold
New York 11 Nicole Malliotakis (Republican) 53% Max Rose (Democratic) 47% 100% Hold
New York 12 Michael Zumbluskas (Republican) 26% Jerry Nadler (Democratic) 73% Other 1% 100% Hold
New York 13 Adriano Espaillat (Democratic) 100% 100% Hold
New York 14 Tina Forte (Republican) 21% Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democratic) 76% Other 3% 100% Hold
New York 15 Stylo Sapaskis (Republican) 21% Ritchie Torres (Democratic) 79% 100% Hold
New York 16 Miriam Flisser (Republican) 24% Jamaal Bowman (Democratic) 76% 100% Hold
New York 17 Michael Lawler (Republican) 54% Sean Patrick Maloney (Democratic) 46% 100% Gain
New York 18 Colin Schmitt (Republican) 52% Pat Ryan (Democratic) 48% 100% Gain
New York 19 Marc Molinaro (Republican) 53% Josh Riley (Democratic) 47% 100% Gain
New York 20 Liz Joy (Republican) 46% Paul Tonko (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
New York 21 Elise Stefanik (Republican) 59% Matt Castelli (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
New York 22 Brandon Williams (Republican) 49% Francis Conole (Democratic) 51% 100% Gain
New York 23 Nick Langworthy (Republican) 58% Max Della Pia (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
New York 24 Claudia Tenney (Republican) 56% Steven Holden (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
New York 25 La’Ron Singletary (Republican) 44% Joseph Morelle (Democratic) 56% 100% Hold
New York 26 Steven Sams (Republican) 42% Brian Higgins (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
North Carolina 1 Sandy Smith (Republican) 46% Don Davis (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
North Carolina 2 Christine Villaverde (Republican) 41% Deborah K. Ross (Democratic) 59% 100% Hold
North Carolina 3 Greg Murphy (Republican) 66% Barbara Gaskins (Democratic) 34% 100% Hold
North Carolina 4 Courtney Geels (Republican) 38% Valerie Foushee (Democratic) 62% 100% Hold
North Carolina 5 Virginia Foxx (Republican) 64% Kyle Parrish (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
North Carolina 6 Christian Castelli (Republican) 48% Kathy Manning (Democratic) 50% Other 2% 100% Hold
North Carolina 7 David Rouzer (Republican) 62% Charles Graham (Democratic) 38% 100% Hold
North Carolina 8 Dan Bishop (Republican) 64% Scott Huffman (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
North Carolina 9 Richard Hudson (Republican) 58% Ben Clark (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
North Carolina 10 Patrick McHenry (Republican) 68% Pam Genant (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
North Carolina 11 Chuck Edwards (Republican) 53% Jasmine Beach-Ferrara (Democratic) 43% Other 4% 100% Hold
North Carolina 12 Tyler Lee (Republican) 39% Alma Adams (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
North Carolina 13 Bo Hines (Republican) 50% Wiley Nickel (Democratic) 50% 100% R Gain
North Carolina 14 Pat Harrigan (Republican) 50% Jeff Jackson (Democratic) 50% 100% D Gain
North Dakota at-large Kelly Armstrong (Republican) 75% Cara Mund (Independent) 25% 100% Hold
Ohio 1 Steve Chabot (Republican) 50% Greg Landsman (Democratic) 50% 100% R Hold
Ohio 2 Brad Wenstrup (Republican) 63% Samantha Meadows (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Ohio 3 Lee Stahley (Republican) 33% Joyce Beatty (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
Ohio 4 Jim Jordan (Republican) 64% Tamie Wilson (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
Ohio 5 Bob Latta (Republican) 62% Craig Swartz (Democratic) 38% 100% Hold
Ohio 6 Bill Johnson (Republican) 66% Louis Lyras (Democratic) 34% 100% Hold
Ohio 7 Max Miller (Republican) 57% Matthew Diemer (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Ohio 8 Warren Davidson (Republican) 64% Vanessa Enoch (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
Ohio 9 J. R. Majewski (Republican) 49% Marcy Kaptur (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
Ohio 10 Mike Turner (Republican) 56% David Esrati (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
Ohio 11 Eric Brewer (Republican) 32% Shontel Brown (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
Ohio 12 Troy Balderson (Republican) 63% Amy Rippel-Elton (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Ohio 13 Madison Gesiotto (Republican) 50% Emilia Sykes (Democratic) 50% 100% R Gain
Ohio 14 David Joyce (Republican) 58% Matt Kilboy (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Ohio 15 Mike Carey (Republican) 56% Gary Josephson (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
Oklahoma 1 Kevin Hern (Republican) 63% Adam Martin (Democratic) 35% Other 2% 100% Hold
Oklahoma 2 Josh Brecheen (Republican) 75% Naomi Andrews (Democratic) 22% Other 3% 100% Hold
Oklahoma 3 Frank Lucas (Republican) 81% Jeremiah Ross (Democratic) 19% 100% Hold
Oklahoma 4 Tom Cole (Republican) 70% Mary Brannon (Democratic) 30% 100% Hold
Oklahoma 5 Stephanie Bice (Republican) 54% Joshua Harris-Till (Democratic) 44% Other 2% 100% Hold
Oregon 1 Christopher Mann (Republican) 39% Suzanne Bonamici (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
Oregon 2 Cliff Bentz (Republican) 63% Joe Yetter (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Oregon 3 Joanna Harbour (Republican) 32% Earl Blumenauer (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
Oregon 4 Alek Skarlatos (Republican) 48% Val Hoyle (Democratic) 49% Other 3% 100% Hold
Oregon 5 Lori Chavez-DeRemer (Republican) 51% Jamie McLeod-Skinner (Democratic) 49% 100% Gain
Oregon 6 Mike Erickson (Republican) 52% Andrea Salinas (Democratic) 48% 100% Gain
Pennsylvania 1 Brian Fitzpatrick (Republican) 54% Ashley Ehasz (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 2 Aaron Bashir (Republican) 39% Brendan Boyle (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 3 Dwight Evans (Democratic) 89% Christopher Hoeppner (Socialist Workers) 11% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 4 Christian Nascimento (Republican) 46% Madeleine Dean (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 5 David Galluch (Republican) 43% Mary Gay Scanlon (Democratic) 57% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 6 Guy Ciarrocchi (Republican) 48% Chrissy Houlahan (Democratic) 52% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 7 Lisa Scheller (Republican) 51% Susan Wild (Democratic) 49% 100% Gain
Pennsylvania 8 Jim Bognet (Republican) 49% Matt Cartwright (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 9 Dan Meuser (Republican) 63% Amanda Waldman (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 10 Scott Perry (Republican) 55% Shamaine Daniels (Democratic) 45% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 11 Lloyd Smucker (Republican) 59% Bob Hollister (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 12 Mike Doyle (Republican) 46% Summer Lee (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 13 John Joyce (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 14 Guy Reschenthaler (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 15 Glenn Thompson (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 16 Mike Kelly (Republican) 57% Dan Pastore (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Pennsylvania 17 Jeremy Shaffer (Republican) 51% Chris Deluzio (Democratic) 49% 100% Gain
Rhode Island 1 Allen Waters (Republican) 35% David Cicilline (Democratic) 62% Other 3% 100% Hold
Rhode Island 2 Allan Fung (Republican) 49% Seth Magaziner (Democratic) 47% Other 4% 100% Gain
South Carolina 1 Nancy Mace (Republican) 55% Annie Andrews (Democratic) 43% Other 2% 100% Hold
South Carolina 2 Joe Wilson (Republican) 58% Juddson Larkins (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
South Carolina 3 Jeff Duncan (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
South Carolina 4 William Timmons (Republican) 64% Ken Hill (Democratic) 34% Other 2% 100% Hold
South Carolina 5 Ralph Norman (Republican) 63% Evangeline Hundley (Democratic) 36% Other 1% 100% Hold
South Carolina 6 Duke Buckner (Republican) 35% Jim Clyburn (Democratic) 65% 100% Hold
South Carolina 7 Russell Fry (Republican) 64% Daryl Scott (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
South Dakota at-large Dusty Johnson (Republican) 84% Collin Duprel (Libertarian) 16% 100% Hold
Tennessee 1 Diana Harshbarger (Republican) 77% Cameron Parsons (Democratic) 21% Other 2% 100% Hold
Tennessee 2 Tim Burchett (Republican) 70% Mark Harmon (Democratic) 30% 100% Hold
Tennessee 3 Chuck Fleischmann (Republican) 70% Meg Gorman (Democratic) 28% Other 2% 100% Hold
Tennessee 4 Scott DesJarlais (Republican) 63% Wayne Steele (Democratic) 35% Other 2% 100% Hold
Tennessee 5 Andy Ogles (Republican) 57% Heidi Campbell (Democratic) 41% Other 2% 100% Gain
Tennessee 6 John Rose (Republican) 67% Randal Cooper (Democratic) 33% 100% Hold
Tennessee 7 Mark E. Green (Republican) 64% Odessa Kelly (Democratic) 35% Other 1% 100% Hold
Tennessee 8 David Kustoff (Republican) 72% Lynnette Williams (Democratic) 26% Other 2% 100% Hold
Tennessee 9 Charlotte Bergmann (Republican) 23% Steve Cohen (Democratic) 74% Other 3% 100% Hold
Texas 1 Nathaniel Moran (Republican) 69% Jrmar Jefferson (Democratic) 31% 100% Hold
Texas 2 Dan Crenshaw (Republican) 59% Robin Fulford (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
Texas 3 Keith Self (Republican) 57% Sandeep Srivastava (Democratic) 41% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 4 Pat Fallon (Republican) 60% Iro Omere (Democratic) 38% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 5 Lance Gooden (Republican) 58% Tartisha Hill (Democratic) 40% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 6 Jake Ellzey (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Texas 7 Johnny Teague (Republican) 40% Lizzie Fletcher (Democratic) 60% 100% Hold
Texas 8 Morgan Luttrell (Republican) 58% Laura Jones (Democratic) 40% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 9 Jimmy Leon (Republican) 33% Al Green (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
Texas 10 Michael McCaul (Republican) 59% Linda Nuno (Democratic) 39% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 11 August Pfluger (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Texas 12 Kay Granger (Republican) 58% Trey Hunt (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Texas 13 Ronny Jackson (Republican) 72% Kathleen Brown (Democratic) 28% 100% Hold
Texas 14 Randy Weber (Republican) 63% Mikal Williams (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Texas 15 Monica De La Cruz (Republican) 53% Michelle Vallejo (Democratic) 45% Other 2% 100% Gain
Texas 16 Irene Armendariz-Jackson (Republican) 40% Veronica Escobar (Democratic) 60% 100% Hold
Texas 17 Pete Sessions (Republican) 57% Mary Jo Woods (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Texas 18 Carmen Maria Montiel (Republican) 27% Sheila Jackson Lee (Democratic) 69% Other 4% 100% Hold
Texas 19 Jodey Arrington (Republican) 89% Nathan Lewis (Independent) 11% 100% Hold
Texas 20 Kyle Sinclair (Republican) 41% Joaquin Castro (Democratic) 59% 100% Hold
Texas 21 Chip Roy (Republican) 60% Claudia Zapata (Democratic) 40% 100% Hold
Texas 22 Troy Nehls (Republican) 57% Jamie Jordan (Democratic) 41% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 23 Tony Gonzales (Republican) 54% John Lira (Democratic) 41% Other 5% 100% Hold
Texas 24 Beth Van Duyne (Republican) 56% Jan McDowell (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
Texas 25 Roger Williams (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Texas 26 Michael Burgess (Republican) 88% Mike Kolls (Libertarian) 12% 100% Hold
Texas 27 Michael Cloud (Republican) 60% Maclovio Perez Jr. (Democratic) 40% 100% Hold
Texas 28 Cassy Garcia (Republican) 49% Henry Cuellar (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
Texas 29 Robert Schafranek (Republican) 39% Sylvia Garcia (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
Texas 30 James Rodgers (Republican) 28% Jasmine Crockett (Democratic) 68% Other 4% 100% Hold
Texas 31 John Carter (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Texas 32 Antonio Swad (Republican) 42% Colin Allred (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
Texas 33 Patrick Gillespie (Republican) 32% Marc Veasey (Democratic) 66% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 34 Mayra Flores (Republican) 51% Vicente Gonzalez (Democratic) 49% Other 100% Hold
Texas 35 Dan McQueen (Republican) 34% Greg Casar (Democratic) 66% 100% Hold
Texas 36 Brian Babin (Republican) 66% Jon Haire (Democratic) 34% 100% Hold
Texas 37 Jenny Sharon (Republican) 30% Lloyd Doggett (Democratic) 68% Other 2% 100% Hold
Texas 38 Wesley Hunt (Republican) 57% Duncan Klussmann (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Utah 1 Blake Moore (Republican) 72% Rick Jones (Democratic) 28% 100% Hold
Utah 2 Chris Stewart (Republican) 62% Nick Mitchell (Democratic) 34% Other 4% 100% Hold
Utah 3 John Curtis (Republican) 72% Glenn Wright (Democratic) 22% Other 6% 100% Hold
Utah 4 Burgess Owens (Republican) 60% Darlene McDonald (Democratic) 38% Other 2% 100% Hold
Vermont at-large Liam Madden (Republican) 32% Becca Balint (Democratic) 59% Other 9% 100% Hold
Virginia 1 Rob Wittman (Republican) 61% Herbert Jones Jr. (Democratic) 37% Other 2% 100% Hold
Virginia 2 Jen Kiggans (Republican) 50% Elaine Luria (Democratic) 50% 100% R Gain
Virginia 3 Terry Namkung (Republican) 35% Bobby Scott (Democratic) 65% 100% Hold
Virginia 4 Leon Benjamin (Republican) 42% Donald McEachin (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
Virginia 5 Bob Good (Republican) 55% Joshua Throneburg (Democratic) 45% 100% Hold
Virginia 6 Ben Cline (Republican) 67% Jennifer Lewis (Democratic) 33% 100% Hold
Virginia 7 Yesli Vega (Republican) 50% Abigail Spanberger (Democratic) 50% 100% D Hold
Virginia 8 Karina Lipsman (Republican) 29% Don Beyer (Democratic) 69% Other 2% 100% Hold
Virginia 9 Morgan Griffith (Republican) 68% Taysha DeVaughan (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
Virginia 10 Hung Cao (Republican) 47% Jennifer Wexton (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Virginia 11 James Myles (Republican) 27% Gerry Connolly (Democratic) 73% 100% Hold
Washington 1 Vincent Cavaleri (Republican) 46% Suzan DelBene (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
Washington 2 Dan Matthews (Republican) 40% Rick Larsen (Democratic) 60% 100% Hold
Washington 3 Joe Kent (Republican) 58% Marie Perez (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Washington 4 Dan Newhouse (Republican) 70% Doug White (Democratic) 30% 100% Hold
Washington 5 Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican) 63% Natasha Hill (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Washington 6 Elizabeth Kreiselmaier (Republican) 44% Derek Kilmer (Democratic) 56% 100% Hold
Washington 7 Cliff Moon (Republican) 19% Pramila Jayapal (Democratic) 81% 100% Hold
Washington 8 Matt Larkin (Republican) 50% Kim Schrier (Democratic) 50% 100% R Gain
Washington 9 Doug Basler (Republican) 29% Adam Smith (Democratic) 71% 100% Hold
Washington 10 Keith Swank (Republican) 43% Marilyn Strickland (Democratic) 57% 100% Hold
West Virginia 1 Carol Miller (Republican) 73% Lacy Watson (Democratic) 25% Other 2% 100% Hold
West Virginia 2 Alex Mooney (Republican) 68% Barry Lee Wendell (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
Wisconsin 1 Bryan Steil (Republican) 62% Ann Roe (Democratic) 36% Other 2% 100% Hold
Wisconsin 2 Erik Olsen (Republican) 33% Mark Pocan (Democratic) 64% Other 3% 100% Hold
Wisconsin 3 Derrick Van Orden (Republican) 54% Brad Pfaff (Democratic) 46% 100% Gain
Wisconsin 4 Tim Rogers (Republican) 29% Gwen Moore (Democratic) 69% Other 2% 100% Hold
Wisconsin 5 Scott L. Fitzgerald (Republican) 63% Mike Van Someren (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Wisconsin 6 Glenn Grothman (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Wisconsin 7 Tom Tiffany (Republican) 63% Richard Ausman (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Wisconsin 8 Mike Gallagher (Republican) 86% Other 14% 100% Hold
Wyoming at-large Harriet Hageman (Republican) 68% Lynnette Grey Bull (Democratic) 29% Other 3% 100% Hold
American Samoa at-large Amata Coleman Radewagen (Republican) 100% 100% Hold
District of Columbia at-large Nelson Rimensnyder (Republican) 8% Eleanor Holmes Norton (Democratic) 84% Other 8% 100% Hold
Guam at-large Jim Moylan (Republican) 47% Judith Won Pat (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Northern Mariana Islands at-large Gregorio Sablan (Democratic) 100% 100% Hold
U.S. Virgin Islands at-large Stacey Plaskett (Democratic) 100% 100% Hold

Senate, GOP pickup, net +2

Alabama R Open Katie Britt, R 66% Will Boyd, D 32% Other, Ltn 2% R Hold
Alaska R Incumbent Lisa Murkowski, R 55% Kelly Tshibaka, R 45% R Hold
Arizona D Incumbent Mark Kelly, D 50% Blake Masters, R 48% Other, Ltn 2% D Hold
Arkansas R Incumbent John Boozman, R 60% Natalie James, D 38% Other, Ltn 2% R Hold
California D Incumbent Alex Padila, D 64% Mark Meuser, R 36% D Hold
Colorado D Incumbent Michael Bennet, D 53% Joe O’Dea 44% Other 3% D Hold
Connecticut D Incumbent Richard Blumenthal, D 56% Leora Levy, R 44% D Hold
Florida R Incumbent Marco Rubio, R 53% Val Demings, D 45% Other 2% R Hold
Georgia D Incumbent Herschel Walker, R 50% Raphael Warnock, D 48% Other 2% R Gain
Hawaii D Incumbent Brian Schatz, D 67% Bob McDermott, R 31% Other 2% D Hold
Idaho R Incumbent Mike Crapo, R 68% David Roth, D 27% Other 5% R Hold
Illinois D Incumbent Tammy Duckworth, D 57% Kathy Salvi, R 41% Other 2% D Hold
Indiana R Incumbent Todd Young, R 49% Thomas McDermott, Jr., D 45% Other 6% R Hold
Iowa R Incumbent Chuck Grassley, R 54% Michael Franken, D 46% R Hold
Kansas R Incumbent Jerry Moran, R 56% Mark Holland, D 42% Other 2% R Hold
Kentucky R Incumbent Rand Paul, R 61% Charles Booker, D 39% R Hold
Louisiana R Incumbent John Kennedy, R 54% Luke Mixon, D 14% Other 32% R Hold
Maryland D Incumbent Chris Van Hollen, D 61% Chris Chaffee, D 38% Other 1% D Hold
Missouri R Open Eric Schmitt, R 56% Trudy Busch Valentine, D 41% Other 3% R Hold
Nevada D Incumbent Adam Laxalt, R 47.30% Catherine Cortez-Masto, D 47% Other 5.70% R Gain
New Hampshire D Incumbent Maggie Hassan, D 49.2% Don Bolduc, R 48.8% Other 2% D Hold
New York D Incumbent Charles Schumer, D 58% Joe Pinion 41% Other 1% D Hold
North Carolina R Open Ted Budd, R 49.5% Cheri Beasley, D 47.5% Other 3% R Hold
North Dakota R Incumbent John Hoeven, R 79% Katrina Christiansen, D 20% Other 1% R Hold
Ohio R Open J D Vance, R 50.14% Tim Ryan, D 49.86% R Hold
Oklahoma R Incumbent James Lankford, R 58% Madison Horn, D 39% Other 3% R Hold
Oklahoma R Open Markwayne Mullin, R 55% Kendra Horn, D 41% Other 4% R Hold
Oregon D Incumbent Ron Wyden, D 55% Joe Rae Parkins, R 42% Other 3% D Hold
Pennsylvania R Open Mehmet Oz, R 49.0% John Fetterman, D 48.5% Other 2.50% R Hold
South Carolina R Incumbent Tim Scott, R 61% Krystel Matthews, D 37% Other 2% R Hold
South Dakota R Incumbent John Thune, R 59% Brian Bengs, D 33% Other 8% R Hold
Utah R Incumbent Mike Lee, R 50% Evan McMullin, IND 46% Other 4% R Hold
Vermont D Open Peter Welch, D 60% Gerald Malloy, R 34% Other 6% D Hold
Washington D Incumbent Patty Murray, D 51% Tiffany Smiley, R 49% D Hold
Wisconsin R Incumbent Ron Johnson, R 52.50% Mandela Barnes, D 47.5% R Hold

Governors, modest Republican Pickups, net +2

Alabama R Incumbent Kay Ivey, R 68% Yolanda Flowers, D 30% Other 2% R Hold
Alaska R Incumbent Mike Dunleavy, R 54% Lee Gara, D 46% R Hold
Arizona R Open Kari Lake, R 52% Katie Hobbs, D 48% R Hold
Arkansas R Open Sarah Huckabee Sanders, R 59% Chris Jones, D 39% Other 2% R Hold
California D Incumbent Gavin Newsom, D 58% Brian Dahle, R 42% D Hold
Colorado D Incumbent Jared Polis, D 53% Heidi Ganahl, R 43% Other 4% D Hold
Connecticut D Incumbent Ned Lamont, D 52% Bob Stefanowski, R 46% Other 2% D Hold
Florida R Incumbent Ronald DeSantis, R 58% Charles Crist, D 40% Other 2% R Hold
Georgia R Incumbent Brian Kemp, R 55% Stacey Abrams, D 43% Other 2% R Hold
Hawaii D Open Josh Green, D 55% Duke Aiona, R 45% D Hold
Idaho R Incumbent Brad Little, R 63% Stephen Heidt, D 32% Other 5% R Hold
Illinois D Incumbent J B Pritzker, D 55% Darren Bailey, R 44% Other 1% D Hold
Iowa R Incumbent Kim Reynolds, R 58% Deidre DeJear, D 40% Other 2% R Hold
Kansas D Incumbent Derek Schmidt, R 48% Laura Kelly, D 44% Other 8% R Gain
Maine D Incumbent Janet Mills, D 50% Paul LePage, R 48% Other 2% D Hold
Maryland R Open Wes Moore, D 62% Dan Cox, R 33% Other 5% D Gain
Massachusetts R Open Maura Healey, D 58% Geoff Diehl, R 39% Other 3% D Gain
Michigan D Incumbent Gretchen Whitmer, D 51% Tudor Dixon, R 47% Other 2% D Hold
Minnesota D Incumbent Tim Walz, D 51% Scott Jensen, R 46% Other 3% D Hold
Nebraska R Open Jim Pillen, R 60% Carol Blood, D 38% Other 2% R Hold
Nevada D Incumbent Joe Lombardo, R 49% Steve Sisolak, D 47% Other 4% R Gain
New Hampshire R Incumbent Chris Sununu, R 56% Tom Sherman, D 41% Other 3% R Hold
New Mexico D Incumbent Michelle Lujan Grisham, D 51% Mark Ronchetti, R 47% Other 2% D Hold
New York D Incumbent Kathy Hochul, D 52.5% Lee Zeldin, R 47.5% D Hold
Ohio R Incumbent Mike DeWine, R 61% Nan Whaley, D 39% R Hold
Oklahoma R Incumbent Kevin Stitt, R 56% Joy Hofmeister, D 42% Other 2% R Hold
Oregon D Open Christine Drazan, R 45% Tina Kotek, D 42% Other 13% R Gain
Pennsylvania D Open Josh Shapiro, D 50% Doug Mastriano, R 46% Other 4% D Hold
Rhode Island D Incumbent Dan McKee, D 52% Ashley Kalus, R 45% Other 3% D Hold
South Carolina R Incumbent Henry McMaster, R 58% Joe Cunningham, D 40% Other 2% R Hold
South Dakota R Incumbent Kristi Noem, R 62% Jamie Smith, D 36% Other 2% R Hold
Tennessee R Incumbent William Lee, R 66% Jason Martin, D 32% Other 2% R Hold
Texas R Incumbent Greg Abbott, R 53% Beto O’Rourke, D 44% Other 3% R Hold
Vermont R Incumbent Phil Scott, R 63% Brenda Siegel, D/P 31% Other 6% R Hold
Wisconsin D Incumbent Tim Michels, R 50% Tony Evers, D 49% Other 1% R Gain
Wyoming R Incumbent Mark Gordon, R 71% Terry Livingston, D 27% Other 2% R Hold

Update – FL, GA, NC, OH, SC, VT, VA, WV

Preliminary Update before 7 pm drop – Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia only

Senate – Florida – Rubio re-elected; Georgia – goes to runoff with Walker +1; NC Butler, R; Ohio – Vance wins tight race; SC – Scott re-elected; Vermont, Welch replaces Leahy

Governor – all aforementioned states with Governor’s Races returned

Sec. of State – all aforementioned states with Sec. of State races have incumbent parties retain the office (no flipping)

State Legislatures – all aforementioned states with state legislative races have parties currently controlling chambers continue to control respective chambers

Florida 1 Matt Gaetz (Republican) 57% Rebekah Jones (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Florida 2 Neal Dunn (Republican) 55% Al Lawson (Democratic) 45% 100% Hold
Florida 3 Kat Cammack (Republican) 56% Danielle Hawk (Democratic) 43% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 4 Aaron Bean (Republican) 57% LaShonda Holloway (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Florida 5 John Rutherford (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 6 Michael Waltz (Republican) 86% Joe Hannoush (Libertarian) 14% 100% Hold
Florida 7 Cory Mills (Republican) 52% Karen Green (Democratic) 48% 100% Gain
Florida 8 Bill Posey (Republican) 59% Joanne Terry (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
Florida 9 Scotty Moore (Republican) 47% Darren Soto (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Florida 10 Calvin Wimbish (Republican) 41% Maxwell Frost (Democratic) 57% Other 2% 100% Hold
Florida 11 Daniel Webster (Republican) 54% Shante Munns (Democratic) 45% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 12 Gus Bilirakis (Republican) 63% Kimberly Walker (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Florida 13 Anna Paulina Luna (Republican) 50% Eric Lynn (Democratic) 48% Other 2% 100% Gain
Florida 14 James Judge (Republican) 47% Kathy Castor (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Florida 15 Laurel Lee (Republican) 53% Alan Cohn (Democratic) 47% 100% Gain New Seat
Florida 16 Vern Buchanan (Republican) 54% Jan Schneider (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Florida 17 Greg Steube (Republican) 55% Andrea Kale (Democratic) 44% Other 1% 100% Hold
Florida 18 Scott Franklin (Republican) 84% Keith Hayden (Independent) 16% 100% Hold
Florida 19 Byron Donalds (Republican) 58% Cindy Banyai (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Florida 20 Drew Montez Clark (Republican) 38% Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (Democratic) 62% 100% Hold
Florida 21 Brian Mast (Republican) 54% Corinna Balderramos Robinson (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Florida 22 Daniel Franzese (Republican) 47% Lois Frankel (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Florida 23 Joe Budd (Republican) 48% Jared Moskowitz (Democratic) 50% Other 2% 100% Hold
Florida 24 Jesus Navarro (Republican) 34% Frederica Wilson (Democratic) 66% 100% Hold
Florida 25 Carla Spalding (Republican) 46% Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
Florida 26 Mario Díaz-Balart (Republican) 56% Christine Olivo (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
Florida 27 María Elvira Salazar (Republican) 54% Annette Taddeo (Democratic) 46% 100% Hold
Florida 28 Carlos A. Giménez (Republican) 57% Robert Asencio (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Georgia 1 Buddy Carter (Republican) 61% Wade Herring (Democratic) 39% 100% Hold
Georgia 2 Chris West (Republican) 48% Sanford Bishop (Democratic) 52% 100% Hold
Georgia 3 Drew Ferguson (Republican) 68% Val Almonord (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
Georgia 4 Jonathan Chavez (Republican) 23% Hank Johnson (Democratic) 77% 100% Hold
Georgia 5 Christian Zimm (Republican) 18% Nikema Williams (Democratic) 82% 100% Hold
Georgia 6 Rich McCormick (Republican) 57% Bob Christian (Democratic) 43% 100% Gain
Georgia 7 Mark Gonsalves (Republican) 45% Lucy McBath (Democratic) 55% 100% Hold
Georgia 8 Austin Scott (Republican) 61% Darrius Butler (Democratic) 39% 100% Hold
Georgia 9 Andrew Clyde (Republican) 67% Mike Ford (Democratic) 33% 100% Hold
Georgia 10 Mike Collins (Republican) 58% Tabitha Johnson-Green (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Georgia 11 Barry Loudermilk (Republican) 62% Antonio Daza-Fernandez (Democratic) 38% 100% Hold
Georgia 12 Rick W. Allen (Republican) 59% Liz Johnson (Democratic) 41% 100% Hold
Georgia 13 Caesar Gonzales (Republican) 37% David Scott (Democratic) 63% 100% Hold
Georgia 14 Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican) 63% Marcus Flowers (Democratic) 33% Other 4% 100% Hold
North Carolina 1 Sandy Smith (Republican) 46% Don Davis (Democratic) 54% 100% Hold
North Carolina 2 Christine Villaverde (Republican) 41% Deborah K. Ross (Democratic) 59% 100% Hold
North Carolina 3 Greg Murphy (Republican) 66% Barbara Gaskins (Democratic) 34% 100% Hold
North Carolina 4 Courtney Geels (Republican) 38% Valerie Foushee (Democratic) 62% 100% Hold
North Carolina 5 Virginia Foxx (Republican) 64% Kyle Parrish (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
North Carolina 6 Christian Castelli (Republican) 48% Kathy Manning (Democratic) 50% Other 2% 100% Hold
North Carolina 7 David Rouzer (Republican) 62% Charles Graham (Democratic) 38% 100% Hold
North Carolina 8 Dan Bishop (Republican) 64% Scott Huffman (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
North Carolina 9 Richard Hudson (Republican) 58% Ben Clark (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
North Carolina 10 Patrick McHenry (Republican) 68% Pam Genant (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
North Carolina 11 Chuck Edwards (Republican) 53% Jasmine Beach-Ferrara (Democratic) 43% Other 4% 100% Hold
North Carolina 12 Tyler Lee (Republican) 39% Alma Adams (Democratic) 61% 100% Hold
North Carolina 13 Bo Hines (Republican) 50% Wiley Nickel (Democratic) 50% 100% Hold
North Carolina 14 Pat Harrigan (Republican) 50% Jeff Jackson (Democratic) 50% 100% Gain
Ohio 1 Steve Chabot (Republican) 50% Greg Landsman (Democratic) 50% 100% Hold
Ohio 2 Brad Wenstrup (Republican) 63% Samantha Meadows (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Ohio 3 Lee Stahley (Republican) 33% Joyce Beatty (Democratic) 67% 100% Hold
Ohio 4 Jim Jordan (Republican) 64% Tamie Wilson (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
Ohio 5 Bob Latta (Republican) 62% Craig Swartz (Democratic) 38% 100% Hold
Ohio 6 Bill Johnson (Republican) 66% Louis Lyras (Democratic) 34% 100% Hold
Ohio 7 Max Miller (Republican) 57% Matthew Diemer (Democratic) 43% 100% Hold
Ohio 8 Warren Davidson (Republican) 64% Vanessa Enoch (Democratic) 36% 100% Hold
Ohio 9 J. R. Majewski (Republican) 49% Marcy Kaptur (Democratic) 51% 100% Hold
Ohio 10 Mike Turner (Republican) 56% David Esrati (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
Ohio 11 Eric Brewer (Republican) 32% Shontel Brown (Democratic) 68% 100% Hold
Ohio 12 Troy Balderson (Republican) 63% Amy Rippel-Elton (Democratic) 37% 100% Hold
Ohio 13 Madison Gesiotto (Republican) 50% Emilia Sykes (Democratic) 50% 100% Gain
Ohio 14 David Joyce (Republican) 58% Matt Kilboy (Democratic) 42% 100% Hold
Ohio 15 Mike Carey (Republican) 56% Gary Josephson (Democratic) 44% 100% Hold
South Carolina 1 Nancy Mace (Republican) 55% Annie Andrews (Democratic) 43% Other 2% 100%
South Carolina 2 Joe Wilson (Republican) 58% Juddson Larkins (Democratic) 42% 100%
South Carolina 3 Jeff Duncan (Republican) 99% Other 1% 100%
South Carolina 4 William Timmons (Republican) 64% Ken Hill (Democratic) 34% Other 2% 100%
South Carolina 5 Ralph Norman (Republican) 63% Evangeline Hundley (Democratic) 36% Other 1% 100%
South Carolina 6 Duke Buckner (Republican) 35% Jim Clyburn (Democratic) 65% 100%
South Carolina 7 Russell Fry (Republican) 64% Daryl Scott (Democratic) 36% 100%
Vermont at-large Liam Madden (Republican) 32% Becca Balint (Democratic) 59% Other 9% 100% Hold
Virginia 1 Rob Wittman (Republican) 61% Herbert Jones Jr. (Democratic) 37% Other 2% 100% Hold
Virginia 2 Jen Kiggans (Republican) 50% Elaine Luria (Democratic) 50% 100% Gain
Virginia 3 Terry Namkung (Republican) 35% Bobby Scott (Democratic) 65% 100% Hold
Virginia 4 Leon Benjamin (Republican) 42% Donald McEachin (Democratic) 58% 100% Hold
Virginia 5 Bob Good (Republican) 55% Joshua Throneburg (Democratic) 45% 100% Hold
Virginia 6 Ben Cline (Republican) 67% Jennifer Lewis (Democratic) 33% 100% Hold
Virginia 7 Yesli Vega (Republican) 50% Abigail Spanberger (Democratic) 50% 100% Hold
Virginia 8 Karina Lipsman (Republican) 29% Don Beyer (Democratic) 69% Other 2% 100% Hold
Virginia 9 Morgan Griffith (Republican) 68% Taysha DeVaughan (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold
Virginia 10 Hung Cao (Republican) 47% Jennifer Wexton (Democratic) 53% 100% Hold
Virginia 11 James Myles (Republican) 27% Gerry Connolly (Democratic) 73% 100% Hold
West Virginia 1 Carol Miller (Republican) 73% Lacy Watson (Democratic) 25% Other 2% 100% Hold
West Virginia 2 Alex Mooney (Republican) 68% Barry Lee Wendell (Democratic) 32% 100% Hold